From 1154 until 1279 coinage remained the same, with the silver penny being the main type of coin. However, in 1279, during Edward I’s reign, a major re-coinage was embarked upon and new denominations were introduced. In addition to the penny, halfpence, farthings and for the first time a fourpenny piece called a ‘Groat’ were minted.
During Edward III’s early reign small quantities of silver coins were minted following the standard of the previous two reigns. In 1344 gold coinage was introduced comprising the Double Florin and Double Leopard, the Florin and Half-Florin. This coinage was unsuccessful and was replaced the same year by the heavier Noble. Coinage remained standard for the remainder of the Plantagenet period.
Our reproduction and replica Plantagenet Kings coins include Pennies, Groats and Nobles.