Reproduction Roman Coins
The Roman currency during most of the Roman Republic and the western half of the Roman Empire consisted of coins including the aureus, the denarius, the sestertius, the dupondius, and the as. These were used from the middle of the third century BC until the middle of the third century AD.
They were still accepted as payment in Greek influenced territories, even though these regions issued their own coinage and some silver in other denominations, either called Greek Imperial or Roman provincial coins.
During the third century, the denarius was replaced by the antoninianus or radiate, which was then itself replaced during the monetary reform of Diocletian which created denominations such as the argenteus (silver) and the follis (silvered bronze). After the reforms Roman coinage consisted mainly of the gold solidus and small bronze denominations. This trend continued to the end of the Empire in the West.
Our reproduction and replica Roman coins include As, Aureus, Denarius, Dupondius, Sestertius and Solidus.
Solidus of Anthemius - Leo I
Obverse: Helmeted pearl-diademed and cuirassed bust of Anthemius ¾ facing to right, with spear held ..
Solidus of Anastasius I - Victory
Obverse: Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Anastasius I ¾ facing to right, with spear held in right han..